Route 16 Roadway Reconstruction
The City of Berlin engaged HEB to help address the rehabilitation of a 2.5-mile stretch of Route 16 through the core of Downton Berlin that was in poor condition. Portions of the existing drainage infrastructure dated back to the early 1900s when the combined sewer and drainage system discharged into the Androscoggin River. Additionally, the condition of the existing sidewalks and pavement surface were in poor condition due to years of utility repairs and neglect. The goal of the project was to develop a reconstruction project within available City funding for all users of the corridor.
The project required detailed Existing-Features analysis for the City and HEB to understand and develop the project's scope of work. This analysis included survey, video analysis of drainage systems, and ground-penetrating radar. The results of the analysis indicated the drainage system was in poor condition, high groundwater conditions were present, and there was underlying concrete pavement below the asphalt pavement. HEB worked closely with project abutters and stakeholders during planning and design to develop a feedback loop so all concerns were considered and planned for accordingly. Additionally, it was critical that HEB developed an accurate projection of construction costs to understand the financial impacts of the project as the City obtained bond funding for the project prior to bidding.
The final scope of the project includes roadway reconstruction design, sidewalk improvements, on-street parking improvements, and traffic calming measures while providing an appealing streetscape along the Route 16 corridor through the City. HEB completed the development of Construction Documents in February 2016 and bidding was completed in April 2016. Sargent Construction began construction in July 2016 and was Substantially Complete in November 2017.