Crane Hill Road Bridge Upgrades Started

HEB Engineers is working with the Town of Sugar Hill to rehabilitate or replace the Crane Hill Road Bridge over the Gale River.  The historic Warren truss bridge was built at the same time as the Prospect Street Bridge in Bethlehem, NH, which HEB helped rehabilitate in 2011.  The project is being funded through the NHDOT State Aid Bridge program.  HEB will be performing predesign services through the end of the year in order to prepare an Engineering Study exploring several options for the Town.  Design and permitting activities are expected to take place through 2017. A public informational session was held on November 30th to review the project with the Town Selectboard and any interested residents.  Discussion topics included historic considerations, projected costs, load capacity, and existing conditions.  The feedback from the Town will be taken into account when HEB prepares the Engineering Study.  For more information about this project, please contact Chris Fournier, project manager, at 603-356-6936 or [email protected].