HEB Selected for Berlin Route 16 Reconstruction

HEB has been selected by the City of Berlin for the Route 16 Reconstruction project.  The project includes extensive existing-conditions assessment and redesign of over 2 miles of roadway from St. Anne’s Church to White Mountains Community College.  As a primary artery into the City, this section of roadway has significant challenges, including aging utilities, limited parking opportunities and heaving in various sections.  Preliminary activities have begun and include completion of a survey base map by York Land Survey, ground penetrating radar, and geotechnical assessment.

As part of our preliminary work, HEB contracted with Dragonfly Aerials to fly the corridor and film video.  This documentation will be a benefit during the design phases, and we look forward to comparing it to a post-construction overflight.  For more information about this project, please contact Jay Poulin, project manager, at 603-356-6936.